Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Road Trips and Driving

The past month and a half had been built up of three things: work, packing, and driving. I've never liked road trips much before, but now that I'm a driver, I'm becoming more and more of a fan.
To be fair, the first flush of excitement still clings to me when I drive since I'm only a few months in.

Still, I've learned to really enjoy the little things about driving; being in charge of the vehicle (which I've officially named Suzy, ps), rolling down the windows, blasting music. I've become quite adept a car dancing as well; I'm a regular Car-yshnikov (dance-pun-high-five).

Trust me, that was a really funny joke.

The point is, I love me a car trip.

It's amazing how a change of scenery can make all the difference.

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