Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Things I Want To Make.

Living with a master crafter makes one want to do nothing but craft. It's literally all I want to do. You may have noticed that my Pinterest has been inundated with DIY after DIY... this is no coincidence.

Seeing this, I decided this morning to focus in and maybe zero in on some crafts in particular that tug at the heartstrings. Or make me say "I-want-to-go-to-there". Either way.

Let's take a look, shall we?

Ok, lets break it down.

There are a few different categories going on here. There is jewelry, home, and cute little things.

The biggest category is jewelry. I have always been drawn to jewelry making, and have even worked for jewelry designers, so it makes sense that my brain would click when I see jewelry ideas. I really like that the DIY ideas I choose also happen to be my styles of jewelry: small and delicate or simple and linear.

 Then there's the home things. These consist of mainly shelves or vases. The shelving ideas is mostly wishful thinking (let's be honest), but it's really fun to look at. Maybe Future Katie will get around to those things.

Some of the projects I really get excited about are the vases, especially the ones with gold leaf or gold paint. I swear I must be half magpie; I just can't resist a sparkle!
I mean, look at those square vases with the little succulents- how cute are they?

Then, last but not least, there are the too-cute-to-stand things. like this guy:

I mean... do I even need to justify these guys?

I didn't think so either.

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